What does Militari Safari program start with? Your combat team gathers in the centre of Prague, due to the staff chooses the means of transport and goes to the dislocation point. The transportation time is about half an hour, destination – to the north-east of Prague.
Cost of transfer is 40€ for group till 7 persons.
Searching with a metal detector
Metal scanner or detector is a common gadget useful to every modern person. You can demine a bomb, find a power cable of an enemy headquarters and destroy it, successfully search for bunker keys or your first marriage ring – it will be not a problem for you after 2 hours‘ seeking with Military Safari. You will find something precious for sure!
Seeking time – not less than an hour. Instructions for the professional gadget are free.
Cost: from 40€
OrderCamp riflerange
Deep-deep in the forests near Prague, in one of the gully close to the Milovitse village there is a Military Safari riflerange. A modern open-air shooting is highly equipped with a tint of nostalgia for old good times:
Mosin rifle, was actively used from 1891 by Russian Imperial Army to the end of the World War 2 by Soviet Army; Kalashnikov rifle – and you don’t need any presentations;
Mossberg pomp gun, still being used by American Army from 1961;
Scorpio tommy-gun, a tiny savage “Czech”, mostly popular with African countries Army;
Ruger revolver 357 Magnum, well known for its romantic image and Hollywood fame; Colt 1911 – that very Colt of that very 45th caliber;
CZ 75 gun, a working horse for policemen of many countries, invention of Czech company Ceska Zbrojovka; Walther P38 gun, the favorite weapon of the Third Reich officers
TT gun, which changed revolver in 1930 and became that simple and steady weapon for years.
Shooting time - 60 min
Number of shoots: 80
Cost: from 100 €
Attention! Discounts depend on number of participants!
Mobile kitchen
The “Trench” restaurant, the “Gully” tavern, the “Crater” cook-shop, the “After battle” bar – you may call anyhow a place for eating in Military Safari. A hungry soldier is an angry but weak soldier, that’s why a mobile kitchen is obligatory – in a proper place and in proper time. During the meal of international army ration we’ll discuss recaptured firing lines and make plans for the future victories.
Mobile kitchen is 10€ for each member of Military Safari program.
Driving an armored infantry carrier or a T55 tank
Moving from a firing point A to a firing point B should be fast and as quiet as possible. It’s desirable not to lose staff during the way. An armored infantry carrier can speed up to 50 km/h on an impassable road, it is not that comfortable but easily operated. Feel like you are on a firing line, smell sweet diesel and hear the 500-horsepower engine roar – all of these you must try during Military Safari program!
Balancing on the armour of our T55 you can feel like a liberator, having driven in a tank half of Europe, half the Earth. Any rugged terrain is nothing for the caterpillars of this tank and all the enemies are speeding away in panic having just heard the growl of this engine.
If agreed with the organizers you can try to operate a tank or an armored infantry carrier.
Time of a ride 60 min
Cost of an armored infantry carrier ride from 50€
Cost of a tank ride from 400€
Russian Special forces or US Navy SEAL? Delta Force or Alpha Team? Commando Unit 101 or Snow Wolf?
In Military Safary you are becoming an action movie character and you can watch with your own eyes how to hit an enemy in a few seconds without any arming or physical skills; you can learn the secrets of the world's best commando units; you can get the philosophy of the winner!
Leading martial arts coaches will show you their skills and up to your wish they can fight with you. It's spectaculous, emotional and very realistic - intensity and adrenaline explosion are included!
Time 60 min
Cost from 100€
A bit of history
Central forces were located in Czech Republic from 1968 to 1991. By the moment of signing the agreement of withdrawal, 73500 soldiers, 18500 officers and 44340 civilians and members of their families were on the territory of the dislocation – all in all, 136340 persons. It was a huge city conglomerate for the central Europe.
You can see with your own eyes, what happened with that city not far from Prague. The Military Safari guide, a military historian, will tell you about the events in a very interesting way.
Before leaving the Military Safari territory we welcome our guests to exchange impressions and have some rest in a perfect Czech-Slovac restaurant with exquisite cuisine, a spacious terrace and a zoo.